Consumers and the Transition to Net Zero

Consumer Scotland commissioned Diffley Partnership to explore consumers’ response to decarbonisation, hopes for the future, opportunities available, and barriers they may face in relation to:

  • reaching Net Zero,
  • the supply of energy and its use in the home,
  • the supply of water and its use in the home,
  • general consumer markets, covering household goods, transportation, parcel deliveries, food and drink, and recreation with a focus on holidays for leisure.


The project was delivered across two workstreams. Workstream 1 comprised a representative survey on energy and water topics, with fieldwork taking place between 24th and 28th February 2023. A total of 2,269 completed responses were achieved.


Workstream 2 comprised a pilot survey covering general consumer markets. We conducted a rapid review of general markets, existing data sources and data gaps in order to inform this pilot. Fieldwork took place between 7th and 9th March 2023, with a total of 622 completed responses achieved.


We were delighted to deliver reports on each workstream with statistical results, visualisations and narrative all within a two-month period. Following our presentation sharing an overview of findings from both workstreams, Consumer Scotland produced a report with combined findings, adding their own interpretation of findings and commentary.


You can read Consumer Scotland’s summary and full report below.

Summary: Majority of adults in Scotland concerned about climate change, but not sure how to tackle it 

Full report: Consumers and the transition to net zero